SECTION 1 - Presentation
Students will prepare a short presentation about one of the topics provided below or any other topic students prefer. This presentation should last between 3 and 4 minutes. Teachers will evaluate students' speaking skill based on these criteria: grammar and vocabulary, content, pronunciation and fluency. Teachers will send each student their score and feedback.
- Habits/hobbies
- Routines
- Favorite characters or celebrities
- Past routines
- Childhood memories
- Historical events
- Personal future plans
- General culture
- Travels / living abroad
- To tell a story
- Your last vacation
- General future predictions or personal plans
SECTION 2: Listening practice
SECTION 3 - Speaking practice and call simulation
Students will be divided into small groups and will practice speaking by asking some of these questions:
1. What do you do if you are bored?
2. Describe one of the most important people in your life.
3. Who do you talk to when you have problems?
4. Do you prefer meat or fresh vegetables? Why?
5. What are some hobbies you have?
7. What was the last movie you saw? How was it?
8. Who did you hang out with last? What did you do together?
9. Tell me about the last time you were really excited.
10. Talk about the last time you were really scared.
11. What are you going to do after class?
12. What are you going to do this weekend?
13. Where are you going to eat dinner tonight?
14. What’s going to be your next big purchase? When are you going to buy it?
15. What are you going to use English for in the future?
While students are practicing, teachers will be making calls to each student to simulate the speaking test over the telephone. Each call should last between 3 or 4 minutes and feedback will be provided before each call finishes.
SECTION 4 - Peer assessment
Students will be divided ir pairs and practice speaking by asking the questions below. They will provide and receive feedback from each other. For this peer assessment activity, students must consider these criteria to evaluate their classmates: grammar, pronunciation and fluency. See the rubric HERE.
Each student will ask her/his peer only one of the following sets of questions, and after listening carefully to her/his peer answers feedback must be provided.
Set 1:
When was the last time you were really excited about something?
What do you do in your free time?
Set 2:
What housework are you going to do this week?
What tech problems annoyed you recently?
Set 3:
What are some good habits that you have?
Where are you going to go on your next vacation?
Set 4:
What did your bedroom look like when you were a teenager?
How often do you watch TV/movies? What shows/movies do you like?