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Future simple (Will)

SECTION 0 - Be going to refresher

Find and correct the mistakes below.

What time we going to leave tomorrow?
They're going send me some money.
This is going to has profound effects.
I amn't going to get married.
This year we aren't going to visiting the museums.

SECTION 1 - Future simple explanation
We use the modal verb will + main verb to talk about the future. Modals are used by the speaker/writer to indicate their feelings about the proposition that they are making. When using the modal will, they are expressing intentionality or certainty.

In speech and informal writing will is often shortened to ‘ll for affirmative or won’t for negative

We use will to:

a) Make predictions or express certainty about the future:
           Humans will land on the moon again in the next 10 years.
           The sun will rise tomorrow.

b) Make offers or suggestions:
           I’ll help you with your bags.
           He’ll get that for you.

c) Make promises, requests, warnings, or threats:
          We’ll help you paint your house.
          Do your homework or you’ll get a bad grade in the class.

d) Talk about a decision made spontaneously at the time of speaking:
          Oh no, the car is almost out of gas. I’ll stop here and fill up.

e) Talk about what people want to do or are willing to do.
          Will you help him with his math homework?
          Sure I’ll help him.

Shall is another modal verb used to indicate simple future. It's most commonly used with first person (I and we) to express a strong possibility of an action which is to happen in the near future.

I shall leave for Rome tomorrow.
We shall discuss the topic with the teacher.
I shall be twenty-five next Monday!

SECTION 2 - Practice

a. Will Vs. Be going to

b. Self-study: each student is going to practice with the following exercises. Click on the links below to access the content.

Grammar: Exercise 1        Exercise 2          Excersice 3          Excersice 4

Listening: Exercise 1       Excersice 2

c. Each student is going to read a paragraph and will receive feedback about her/his pronunciation, stress placement, fluency and intonation.

              1. Airbus says it has turned the corner after a crisis connected to production problems and turmoil in the boardroom at its A380 super-jumbo project that has gone on for the past year. Speaking at the Paris air show, Louis Gallois, CEO of the European planemaker, said, "Airbus is back."

              2. People often ask which is the most difficult language to learn, and it is not easy to answer because there are many factors to take into consideration. Firstly, in a first language the differences are unimportant as people learn their mother tongue naturally, so the question of how hard a language is to learn is only relevant when learning a second language.

              3. No language is easy to learn well, though languages which are related to our first language are easier. Learning a completely different writing system is a huge challenge, but that does not necessarily make a language more difficult than another. In the end, it is impossible to say that there is one language that is the most difficult language in the world.

              4. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to submitting any paper or other document, to satisfy an academic requirement, which has been copied either in whole or in part from someone else’s work without identifying that person; failing to identify as a quotation a documented idea that has not been thoroughly assimilated into the student's language and style.

              5. In India, English serves two purposes. First, it provides a linguistic tool for the administrative cohesiveness of the country, causing people who speak different languages to become united. Secondly, it serves as a language of wider communication, including a large variety of different people covering a vast area.

SECTION 3 - Speaking practice

Students will be divided into small groups and practice speaking by asking some of these questions.

Will questions
1. What will your life be like in 5 years?
2. How will communication change in the future?
3. What do you think the world will look like in 50 years?
4. Will you ever go sky diving? Why or why not?
5. How will entertainment change in the future?
6. What will transportation look like in the future?
7. What will you do when you retire?
8. Will robots become part of daily life in the future? Why or why not?
9. Will the future be better or worse than the present? Why or why not?
10. What will video games be like in 7 years?
11. What will happen to privacy in the future?
12. Will alternative energy technologies solve the world’s energy problems? Why or why not?
13. Where will humans explore next?
14. What will have the biggest impact on you in the near future?
15. Will humans ever colonize another solar system? Why or why not?
16. What company will change society the most? Will it be a good change or bad change?
17. Will the borders of countries be more open or more closed in the future?
18. What will happen if the world's population keeps increasing at its current rate?

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