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Speaking practice II

LISTENING-SPEAKING PRACTICE Click on each topic to access the content. 1. Phrasal verbs 2. Coronavirus 3. Small talk 4. Technology DEBATE QUESTIONS II SPEAKING TEST QUESTIONS 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. What do you like to do? 3. How and where did you learn English language? 4. Have you been living in the same city or have you lived in different places?  5. Who do you live with? 6. What will you do after this quarantine? 7. What will you do after this phone call/this lessson? 8. What will your life be like in 5 years? 9. What are you going to do on your next vacation? 10. What did you do on your last vacation? 11. Who was the last person you saw on the news? What did she/he talk about? 12. Where do you use to work before? 13. What would you do if you finish work/this lesson early today? 14. What would you do if you won a million dollars? 15. Do you think home office will become some...
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Speaking practice I

DEBATE QUESTIONS SPEAKING TEST QUESTIONS 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. What do you like to do? 3. How and where did you learn English language? 4. Have you been living in the same city or have you lived in different places?  5. Who do you live with? 6. What will you do after this quarantine? 7. What will you do after this phone call/this lessson? 8. What will your life be like in 5 years? 9. What are you going to do on your next vacation? 10. What did you do on your last vacation? 11. Who was the last person you saw on the news? What did she/he talk about? 12. Where do you use to work before? 13. What would you do if you finish work/this lesson early today? 14. What would you do if you won a million dollars? 15. Do you think home office will become something that everybody can do? 16. How do you react to changes?

Spoken English II - review of topics

SECTION 1 - Explanations WH Words COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS We can count some uncoutable nouns by using these expressions: PREPOSITIONS For other type of prepositions and prepositional phrases, see HERE . More mistakes with prepositions HERE . SECTION 2 - Practice Self-study Each student is going to practice with the following exercises. Click on the links below to access the content. WH words:     Exercise 1        Exercise 2  Countable/Uncountable nouns:    Exercise 1    Exercise 2 Prepositions:  Exercise 1         Exercise 2 SECTION 3 - Speaking practice Students will be divided into small groups and practice speaking by asking some of these questions: Noun (count / noncount) 1. How much water do you drink in a day? 2. What kinds of food do you eat regularly? 3. What did you order last ti...

Spoken English I - review of topics

SECTION 1 - Explanations DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE ARTICLES AMERICAN VS. BRITISH ENGLISH FORMAL AND INFORMAL EXPRESSIONS See more informal/formal expresssions HERE . SECTION 2 - Practice Self-study Each student is going to practice with the following exercises. Click on the links below to access the content. Articles:     Exercise 1        Exercise 2  Formal vs informal:  Exercise 1  AmE/BrE: Exercise 1         Exercise 2 SECTION 3 - Pronunciation and speaking practice ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS SILENT LETTERS INFORMAL CONTRACTIONS  -------------------------------------------- Students will be divided into small groups and practice speaking by asking some of these questions: 1. Is English an easy or difficult language to learn? 2. How long will it take to master English? 3. Which English skill is the easies...

Assessment 2WC

SECTION 1 - Presentation Students will prepare a short presentation about one of the topics provided below or any other topic students prefer. This presentation should last between 3 and 4 minutes. Teachers will evaluate students' speaking skill based on these criteria: grammar and vocabulary, content, pronunciation and fluency. Teachers will send each student their score and feedback. Topics: - Habits/hobbies - Routines - Favorite characters or celebrities - Past routines - Childhood memories - Historical events - Personal future plans - General culture - Travels / living abroad - To tell a story - Your last vacation - General future predictions or personal plans SECTION 2: Listening practice Students will practice with some listening excercises as preparation for the next activity: call simulation. Exercise 1               Exercise 2              Exercise 3 SECTION 3 - S...