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Showing posts from May, 2020

Spoken English II - review of topics

SECTION 1 - Explanations WH Words COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS We can count some uncoutable nouns by using these expressions: PREPOSITIONS For other type of prepositions and prepositional phrases, see HERE . More mistakes with prepositions HERE . SECTION 2 - Practice Self-study Each student is going to practice with the following exercises. Click on the links below to access the content. WH words:     Exercise 1        Exercise 2  Countable/Uncountable nouns:    Exercise 1    Exercise 2 Prepositions:  Exercise 1         Exercise 2 SECTION 3 - Speaking practice Students will be divided into small groups and practice speaking by asking some of these questions: Noun (count / noncount) 1. How much water do you drink in a day? 2. What kinds of food do you eat regularly? 3. What did you order last ti...

Spoken English I - review of topics

SECTION 1 - Explanations DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE ARTICLES AMERICAN VS. BRITISH ENGLISH FORMAL AND INFORMAL EXPRESSIONS See more informal/formal expresssions HERE . SECTION 2 - Practice Self-study Each student is going to practice with the following exercises. Click on the links below to access the content. Articles:     Exercise 1        Exercise 2  Formal vs informal:  Exercise 1  AmE/BrE: Exercise 1         Exercise 2 SECTION 3 - Pronunciation and speaking practice ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS SILENT LETTERS INFORMAL CONTRACTIONS  -------------------------------------------- Students will be divided into small groups and practice speaking by asking some of these questions: 1. Is English an easy or difficult language to learn? 2. How long will it take to master English? 3. Which English skill is the easies...

Assessment 2WC

SECTION 1 - Presentation Students will prepare a short presentation about one of the topics provided below or any other topic students prefer. This presentation should last between 3 and 4 minutes. Teachers will evaluate students' speaking skill based on these criteria: grammar and vocabulary, content, pronunciation and fluency. Teachers will send each student their score and feedback. Topics: - Habits/hobbies - Routines - Favorite characters or celebrities - Past routines - Childhood memories - Historical events - Personal future plans - General culture - Travels / living abroad - To tell a story - Your last vacation - General future predictions or personal plans SECTION 2: Listening practice Students will practice with some listening excercises as preparation for the next activity: call simulation. Exercise 1               Exercise 2              Exercise 3 SECTION 3 - S...

Modal verbs + phrasal verbs + collocations

SECTION 0 - Gerunds, infinitives, adverbs of frequency refresher Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences: 1. She usually is at home at 5:00 p.m. 2. Da Vinci was excellent at paint. 3. I promise love you for the rest of my life. 4. We're planning visit Greece next year. 5. Patrick should to be more responsible! 6. May I to go to the bathroom? SECTION 1 - Explanation Modal verbs Modal verbs are a small class of auxiliary verbs used to express possibility, obligation, advice, permission, ability, … Phrasal verbs A phrasal verb is composed of two or three words – One verb is combined with a preposition (at, on, in) or an adverb (up, down). Phrasal verbs with the verb “GET” are “get in”, “get out”, “get off”, “get away”, “get over”, “get back”… and they ALL have different meanings! "Get out" meanings a) Leave or escape: Get out of here! b) Clean something: This detergent will get most household stains out. c) Spend free t...

Gerunds/infinitives + adverbs of frequency

SECTION 0 - TH pronunciation refresher Let's practice the pronunciation of TH sounds. 1. Is this the thing? Yes, this is the thing! They threw three thick things. 2. They thankfully think this thing is the best thing that they can throw the three times they need to throw a thing. 3. Even though my father is a weatherman, he can’t predict with absolute certainty whether it will rain or not. Neither can the other people who work with him. 4. They say there’s only a thirty per cent chance of rain, and the next thing you know, it’s pouring. They predict snow, and there’s nothing for another five days. 5. Then, there’s a blizzard. So rather than trust my father’s weather forecasts, I use a more reasonable approach. I ask my mother. SECTION 1 - Explanations INFINITIVES BARE OR ZERO INFINITVE (without "to") GERUNDS GERUNDS VS. INFINITIVE ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Note: 5% = Hardly ever Rule 1 Most adverbs come before the ver...

Future tenses + do/make collocations + TH sounds

SECTION 0 - Past continuous refresher Ask some students to answer the following questions. 1. What were you doing yesterday at 3pm? 2. Who were you talking to yesterday afternoon? 3. What were you doing last New Year’s Eve at 11:30pm? 4. Were you watching a movie last Sunday at 8pm? 5. What TV show were you watching Monday night? 6. What were you doing the last time you got caught in the rain? SECTION 1 - Explanations USE OF GONNA Sometimes when we speak fastly,  going to  sounds like  gonna . Although it is grammatically incorrect, it is used a lot in informal English.                  I'm  gonna  go the bank tomorrow.  =   I'm  going to  the bank tomorrow.                 He's  gonna  buy a new computer. =  He's  going to  buy a new computer. Do vs. make collocations A...