SECTION 1 - Explanations WH Words COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS We can count some uncoutable nouns by using these expressions: PREPOSITIONS For other type of prepositions and prepositional phrases, see HERE . More mistakes with prepositions HERE . SECTION 2 - Practice Self-study Each student is going to practice with the following exercises. Click on the links below to access the content. WH words: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Countable/Uncountable nouns: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Prepositions: Exercise 1 Exercise 2 SECTION 3 - Speaking practice Students will be divided into small groups and practice speaking by asking some of these questions: Noun (count / noncount) 1. How much water do you drink in a day? 2. What kinds of food do you eat regularly? 3. What did you order last ti...